Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Days 6 & 7

Yesterday I was totally and completely exhausted, hence the absent post. So here's a catch up:

Sunday brought a moment of temporary terror as my laptop, to which I have all of my lessons plans & student teaching resources saved, contracted a virus and attempted suicide. Thankfully I have a fabulous boyfriend who is well acquainted with technology, and things are back to normal now.

Monday was a quiet day at school. The students have finished their last novel of 2nd quarter- The Pearl by Steinbeck- and began the movie this week. I spent most of today quietly reading and working on lessons. It seems that I've been having a lot of this quiet work days lately, but I know that I should be treasuring the slow pace as in a short while things will be changing.

Today we continued the movie. All four of the classes are nearly completed with the movie, and so after finishing the last 20 minutes of the movie tomorrow I will be taking over with my very own lessons!!!!! Whoo hoo!!! Stay tuned tomorrow for more details pertaining to my world domination....

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