Friday, January 15, 2010

Day Five- A Big OOOPSY

The school day went well today. The students finished their final exams for the Steinbeck novel Pearl. Luby had me correct the subjective portions of the test and then she corrected the objective portions of the test, since I haven't read the novel.

The students were relatively peaceful today. I was expecting them to be rather rambunctious today, with it being a Friday and there being a dance tonight. But perhaps the kids were just as exhausted as me from our busy week, as they were pretty good in class.

I learned a horrible secret today. During our lunch break, one of the teachers found a note that some students had presumably been passed around. To my horror, they read the note to one another! One of my greatest fears in high school was realized today; the teachers really do read students' lost notes. I don't think that I'll ever be adopting this practice. It reminds me of the instances where nosy parents break into their daughters' diaries in hopes of scrounging up some incriminating evidence. I think that it's a violation of student privacy. But with the same token, I know that each of the teachers involved in today's incident are all extremely caring and committed teachers who would never take advantage of accessing student information through a note, they were merely curious. I don't blame any one involved; I respect the group of teachers I've been allowed to work with this week immensely.

Now for my HUGE mistake. I was supposed to chaperone the dance tonight. My plan was to come home, relax for a bit, grab some food, and then head back to the school at six. I even set an alarm on my phone just in case I fell asleep while watching TV. I've been so very exhausted this entire week, and I know that the deprivation's been effecting my body. But at any rate, I work up tonight at 8:00pm---- 2 hours well past the time I needed to be back at the school ---- to a persistent alarm. My roommate told me that she'd been hearing the alarm for 2 hours, but that it wasn't very loud, and she assumed that I needed the rest.

I feel like an utter and complete idiot right now for missing the dance. I have been striving so hard to impress the teachers and faculty at the Middle School, all in hopes of getting my name out there & coming away from this experience with some strong resources and references. Moves like this one will not help me achieve my goal. I've emailed Luby asking her for advice and contact information for the gentleman who was organizing tonight's event. I hope to have the opportunity to apologize profusely to him in the near future. I feel like I've let myself and many people down today, but I guess it's just another- difficult- lesson learned.

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