Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day Two- A 'Spelltacular' Experience!

"The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called 'truth'."
~Dan Rather

Day two began with me arriving at school even before Ms. Luby- a lovely accomplishment for this last minute gal. I organized my desk this morning and unpacked the lesson materials I've created so far. I relished in this small gesture, as I almost felt as though I "belonged" in that desk, as though I was a "real" teacher. Pretty cool stuff. On a surprising note however, I've already filled the tiny desk drawers. SO, after "work", I headed over to good ole Office Max and invested in a document case container. That should hold me over for a little while.

Luby's been very accepting of all my lesson plans so far, and this makes me feel as though I'm on the right track. She's mentioned "stealing" some ideas and commented yesterday on how detailed my lesson plans are. Hopefully keeping up this attention to detail (a habit that's typically irritated me in the past) will help me to impress some folks during my pending job hunt. Wish me luck folks!

I got to play teacher for a little while today. The students are required each year to participate in a "Spelltacular" spelling test which serves as a qualifying quiz for the district's annual spelling bee. Ms. Luby allowed me to administer the test and correct the tests afterward. This, as I expected, was a pretty simple task. The hardest part of administering the test was simply getting the kids to calm down and settle in at the start of each new hour. But, utilizing my charm and humor, I think I did alright in getting the kid's attention. Even though there were moments of antsy pants and chatter boxes, I think that I did a good job of keeping the kids under control.... hopefully Luby would say that same.

I also spent a good portion of today learning the kids' names. Handing out papers, as Ms. Luby insisted, was a great way of memorizing faces and names. I'm sure that come tomorrow I won't remember everyone's names again, but I'm much further along today then I was yesterday.

After school today I attended Ms. Luby's Knowledge Bowl meeting. She's the group's advisor and asked me to help out with practices and meets. This, along with helping the school's Speech Team coach, will surely keep my Tuesday & Thursday nights busy. :) But I'm excited to get involved in the extracurriculars, especially speech. The opportunity to coach and advise is one reason that I was attracted to teaching. I'm hoping that these experiences during student teaching will help me to get my foot in the door later.

Another good day troops. I'm doing my part to make sure tomorrow's just as fun. This is me signing off.

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