Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day Three- I've Found My Plan B.... It's the Carnie's Life For Me!

Successful teachers are effective in spite of the psychological theories they suffer under

Another busy day, and subsequently I'm exhausted, so today's post may be a bit short.

Ms. Luby gave me the greatest of compliments today- she said that she trusted me to take over her classroom. She said that I was the first student teacher she'd worked with to arrive on their first day with lessons prepared, and that she was confident in my abilities. She allowed me to manage the last five classes of the day; the task wasn't too complicated as the student primarily worked on silently reading a novel today, but I relished in the responsibility none the less. The students have started to look to me as an authority figure; they asked me for permission to go to the library and checked with me to see if assignments had been handed in. I felt like a grown up!!

I corrected a ton of chapter quizzes today and Ms. Luby had me enter the scores into her grade book--- a real, live grade book! Oh how nerdy I am, getting excited about entering grades into a book. But again, today helped me to feel like a legitimate teacher.

I've been working hard to get my name and face out there with the teachers and staff, so that I can come away from this experience with some good connections. I spoke this morning with the Middle School Speech coach. She and I have arranged for me to help coach on Thursday evenings. This means I'll have some busy evenings during the week. Work after school on Mondays, Knowledge Bowl on Tuesdays, Work again on Wednesdays, Speech on Thursdays, and thankfully Friday evenings "free" (for now). I'm SUPER excited about helping out with the speech team. I miss speech so so much and it's been a dream of mine to coach the activity as a teacher. I've been debating calling up my old high school coaches and chatting with them about the prospect.... let's see if I work up the nerve.

After school today I agreed to aide in the sixth and seventh grade "Mega Party." This was a two hour long party for students who had excelled in grades and fundraising this past quarter. They had food, music, and inflatables for the students to use. I was assigned to man an inflatable that was set up like a carnival game. The little structure looked like a castle & inside had 6 tubes that shot air straight up, they had these balloons contained in canvas bags & the air balanced the balloons in the air. The students could throw balls at the balloons to win candy. And from operating this inflatable game, I learned tonight that I could make one hell of a carnie. So there it is- my Plan B!

That's all folks. I'm attempting to get to bed early tonight. Tomorrow I meet with my University Advisor, wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you are having a good time. I am drowning. I met my university supervisor...he is the driving force pushing me into the "deep end of the pool" so to speak. I have started out small with reading out loud to the students and now vocab. Todays attempt at Block 3- I flopped. I feel so unsure about things all the time. I actually thought about calling Brouwer crying today. We should do coffee soon.
